Facilities Management And Town Planning
Facilities Management And Town Planning
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Consensus Support
We were tasked with creating additional residential units for a care provider by optimising their existing sites.
This involved maximising land use while ensuring the design and layout complemented the area’s character and safeguarded the amenity of both existing and future residents, balancing efficiency with thoughtful community integration.
We secured planning permission for four residential bungalows on land behind Dyscarr Grange Care Home. The bungalows will be constructed using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), offering improved efficiency, quality, and speed over traditional methods. Designed for supported living, these homes will empower residents with greater independence.
Throughout the planning process, we actively engaged with the local authority, addressing issues promptly to ensure a swift approval. The development not only meets the care provider’s needs but also enhances the quality of life for future occupants, providing modern, accessible housing that supports independent living in a well-integrated community setting.